Why Choose Aviem?

Bad things happen to good companies. Great companies know how to respond.

Aviem: The Compassionate, Practical Choice for Emergency Management and Crisis Response

Aviem is the partner of choice for organizations that want practical and proven emergency response planning and crisis support anywhere in the world.

30 Years of Direct Research

Based on over 30 years of direct research, our Human Services Response™ methodology is recognized as THE standard for crisis and disaster management, informing industry regulations and government legislation worldwide. 

9,000 members in more than 50 countries

In any disaster, it’s the people who make the difference. We have over 9,000 members in more than 50 countries trained in HSR™ and qualified to mobilize in the event of a crisis. 

two-dozen physical call center locations

Our two-dozen physical call center locations are geographically dispersed in the most stable regions of the world and available 24/7, providing an immediate, rapidly scalable response that is unmatched in our industry. 

Why Our HSR™ Approach Works in the Real World

We know which actions make the biggest difference in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy because we have interviewed countless survivors, family members, and employees and tracked the results for many years. Every process we recommend and implement for our clients is based on real-world outcomes. Following our best practices mitigates risk and damage on all levels—emotional, physical, financial, legal, and reputational.

Compassionate Response Reduces Psychological Trauma

With Aviem’s approach to crisis response:

Due to preparation and rapid response, survivors and families avoid unnecessary distress in the aftermath of a disaster or crisis.

They experience meaningful, immediate, and compassionate support.

Those impacted complete their business with your organization sooner, so they can move on in the grieving process. Our experience shows that the various legal, financial, and claims processes are mitigated by an effective, compassionate response.

30 plus years of follow up with leaders and responders in the workplace trauma arena shows that the entire organization transcends the trauma more effectively with the Human Services Response™ approach.

With Aviem, Your Company Can Be:


for a crisis or disaster on any scale at any time.


with a documented, actionable response plan.


by the largest and best-trained team of responders in the world.


with regulatory requirements.


to meet corporate social responsibilities.


for leadership that inspires confidence.


of preserving the company’s reputation for fairness and ethical behavior.


by employees who are trained to be aware and compassionate.


in the face of adversity.

Good Faith Action = Better Outcomes

Organizations have a natural desire to limit harm to their brand caused by costly and contentious lawsuits. But they often end up making things worse by waiting for liability to be determined before taking action. By then, it is too late to do the right thing.
How people feel about the way they are treated is a significant factor in how they handle a claim against a company. We have found that the most effective response is swift, compassionate, and focused on the practical and emotional needs of those impacted. Companies that follow this best practice mitigate perceived liability and ease the legal and financial settlement process, allowing them to conclude their business obligations with fewer roadblocks.

Contact Us

To discover how Aviem’s unique, people-focused approach can make your organization stronger, let’s have a conversation.