Call Center System (CS2)

  • CS2 contains the scripts that the Agents need in order to answer calls and record data provided by the family members and friends calling in.
  • CS2 provides the correct answer phrase and the client approved wording that Agents should use, each step of the call.
  • CS2 includes the Incident or Crisis information – drafted by our Call Center Management team. This is the most up to date information we would have in an emergency, information that can be provided to the family members and friends calling in.
  • CS2 includes two types of scripts: scripts where a list of people affected is available, and scripts where a list of those affected is not available. We generally use scripts that include the list of people affected, to test the Agent’s ability to locate names in the system, but there will be times when we will exercise scenarios where a list of those affected is not available, so the scripts are slightly different.

Incident Information and Special Instructions

Agents can see the Incident Description on the left side of their screen. This information will be updated through the drill/emergency and agents can see the new information changing live.

They also see here Special Instructions (for media callers, crew, and any other instruction the client wants to give us)